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IMPORTANT: Read The Article Below BEFORE you use the 10-Point WP Hardening Checklist (Please allow 10 - 15 Minutes For Delivery)”

“Now that you have the 10-Point WP Hardening Checklist, I want to show you how to take this resource to the next level. But before I do that, let me give you a warning...

Warning: If you are not actively securing your WordPress site then you might as well hand over the keys of your website to hackers because you are low-hanging fruit

On average, 30,000 websites are hacked every single day. How long until your site is hacked and compromised? What are the consequences for you if your site goes down tomorrow? Do you feel lucky? 

The good news is that securing your site against hackers is easier than you think.

Hacking is big business and if your website is part of your business you NEED to protect it… wouldn't leave your car downtown without locking the doors and activating the alarm wouldn't leave your house without doing the same. 

So why would you leave a key part of your business, your website, vulnerable to attack?


#1 Lie website owners tell themselves: Hackers won't bother with my site because my traffic is too low and I don’t have any sensitive data; why would they bother? No benefit for them.   

The facts about your website and hackers:

Hackers have multiple ways to make money from your website once they've taken it over. 

They can redirect your traffic to their own websites, or their client's websites...yes, hackers have clients...

They can display their own ads on your website without you even knowing it.

If you don't have much traffic, hackers can you use your website to attack other websites or use your hosting account as an email server to send out spam emails.

There are lots of ways hackers can profit from any type of website.

And the sad truth is that nearly every website is easily broken into. It's so easy, in fact, that hackers can simply use automated tools to scan thousands of websites at a time and search for known vulnerabilities. When they've found a vulnerable site, they exploit the vulnerability with other automated tools and they're in.

Piece of cake.

What you’re reading right now may be scaring you and it should a little's serious stuff...


The hackers method of operation is their strength and their weakness. The key is that they use automated tools to scan for known vulnerabilities.

If you are prepared, you will also know those vulnerabilities you can make sure your site is patched and secured properly. When those vulnerabilities don't exist on your site the hackers move on to easier targets.


So, there must be an easy-to-follow system to secure any WordPress site then? Yes there is, and that’s exactly what this page is all about…

WP Security Action Plan

We have secured thousands of WordPress sites (both for our own companies and for clients). We have also cleaned up thousands of hacked websites, so we know how hackers operate and get into websites.

In addition to securing thousands of sites, we also consulted with every subject-matter expert we could find in order to come up with the ideal formula for maximizing our security results.

When we were finished, we were left with a simple, easy-to-follow “Action Plan” that incorporated all our best practices.


Here’s a sampling of what’s covered for you in this plan…

Have you ever heard the expression: “Pioneers pay a heavy price but settlers prosper?”


The same applies here!


At, we’ve already done all the hard work, made all the mistakes and figured out what works (and what doesn’t). And believe me, we made some mistakes “paid a heavy price” more than a few times along the way…


…and we do this stuff for a living!!


That’s why we’re so careful to document WHAT WORKS into simple, easy-to-follow execution plans so everyone on the WPLearningLab team can duplicate these results across all our client and portfolio sites.


In the past these Execution Plans were mine alone, but now I’m making a select few available to the public. (You’ll see why in just a bit.)


So now you don’t have to go it alone!


Normally these Execution Plans sell for $47 - $97, but for a very limited time I’ll let you have instant access to this plan and guide for just $7.


Yep…$7...and you can have your money back if you don’t like it for ANY reason (i.e. 60 days no questions asked guarantee).


Literally, you can have one of those fancy coffees at Starbucks or you can:

The choice is yours…


Click the “Add To Cart” button and start driving traffic from Facebook in 5 minutes…

Frequently Asked Questions

QUESTION: What is an "Execution Plan"?

It’s not quite a course and it’s definitely not just an ordinary report or whitepaper…


…an Execution Plan is more like a “checklist on steroids!”


Here's how it works:


In the last 36 months my team and I have invested hundreds of hours and 10s of thousands of dollars testing these…

…in our own and client companies.


And along the way we have perfected a large number of strategies and tactics. More importantly, like any good scientists, we DOCUMENT each strategy in step-by-step “Execution Plans” so our best ideas could be repeated and rolled out across all our different businesses.


They’re all meat and no fluff. If you want backstory and theory, go read a blog post. Execution Plans are all about taking action and getting results as quickly and easily as possible.

QUESTION: Can I get my money back?

QUESTION: How do I get access and how long will it take to get access?

You get immediate access.

Your login and access information will be sent to the email address you provide, and there will be a welcome video on the next page that explains how you can access the assessment from the Lab library.

QUESTION:  Why $7?

If you are saying to yourself "$7 is cheap…there must be a catch?" then these three reasons should put you at ease:

1. $7 puts this package within the reach of everyone…from solo entrepreneurs to start-ups and the Fortune 500. (And for $7, you aren’t likely to need a purchase order and go through a big approval process.)

2. It weeds out the freebie-hunters. We are looking for serious people who are ready to take action, and in our experience charging something…even if it’s just a dollar… eliminates the 99% who are not serious about getting results and taking ownership for their personal growth and development.

3. We test everything we do online, and $7 generated the best overall ROI for us. We also believe that once you experienced the power of this plan, you'll want more and maybe…just maybe…you'll come back and invest more in yourself … with us.

That's all…

No fine print here…no "hidden trials"…no shenanigans. Just the information you need and the results you want.

Get INSTANT Access To The Social Selling System Now

Learn how you can turn an unsecured website (with a wide-open front door) into a nearly impregnable fortress.

Discover how to reduce the likelihood of the most common WordPress hack-type: Cross-site scripting (or XSS attacks). 

Find out how to disable to most common entry point for brute force hack attacks. *Note: it has nothing to do with the login page, so the plugins you use to secure your login page don't help with this type of attack.

Uncover how you can easily stop script injection attacks that can insert malicious code into your database or even delete your database altogether!

…and soooo much more.

Personally, I wouldn’t attempt securing a WordPress site without having a proven, step-by-step guide to follow, and this is especially true if you’re doing it for someone else (i.e. a client or a boss).

I mean it…

Don't leave your sites unsecured any longer. Apply this step-by-step video action plan to every site you own as soon as you possibly can!

Save time (by not having to learn)

Avoiding potentially-embarrassing mistakes

Become a hero at your company by being the guy (or gal) who FINALLY secures the website the right way

Save time (and money) by securing your website the right way the first time…

Avoid potentially-embarrassing “rookie” mistakes (including two big ones that some blogs tout as being “best practices”)